The Garden Isle Sectional was the first in-person Hawaii Tournament of 2022. The event was attended by 49 players from Kauai, from Oahu, Maui or the Big Island and from the Mainland. Most of these participants played all five sessions. By any measure, it was a great success!
Each year the Richard T. Shen Trophy is presented by our Club to the player or players or to the partnership best exemplifying a commitment to teaching or learning and to unfailing grace and civility at the bridge table. During this second year of the pandemic many of our players continued to exemplify in person or online the qualities honored by the Shen Trophy. At our Sectional this month the donor of the trophy, Dr. Dileep G. Bal, announced that the winners of the Shen Trophy for the year 2021 are Tad Kelly and Dennis Viner. Tad was present at our Sectional this year to accept this award on behalf of both honorees.
Dr. Dileep G. Bal and Aida Shen present the 2021
Shen Trophy to Tad Kelly on behalf of he and
co-recipient, Dennis Viner.
Credit for the success of our Sectional belongs to the many Club volunteers who assisted in the execution of our ambitious plan to hold a well-attended tournament while keeping players safe amid the ongoing surge in coronavirus cases.
The plan for this tournament was designed by the tournament chair, Cheryl Haines, and perfected by her dedicated committee, Loring Harkness, Cesca Luzuriaga, Sarah Rogers and Lisa DeRock.
Examples of the contributions of other Club members include hosting overnight visiting players from the Mainland and other Islands, providing transportation for visiting players between the airport and the tournament site and making themselves available to play with visitors needing partners.
The games were professionally managed by our Director, Patrick Kallaus, who was assisted by Club Manager, Doug McCalla.